Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Queen Lauren Isaacs...why I applied to be a Princess!

I feel very privileged to be an ambassador for the 500 Festival Program. The 500 Festival promotes the events leading up to the greatest spectacle in racing, The Indianapolis 500! I dreamed of being a 500 Festival Princess since my freshman year in high school. I watched media coverage of the 500 Festival Parade over the years and marveled at the beautiful, poised, princesses on the festival float. As a senior in high school my assignment in speech class was to give an acceptance speech. My speech was accepting the role of a 500 Festival Princess. I spoke about how I would represent my home town, college, and the State of Indiana with honor and grace. 

During my sophomore year at Purdue I decided to apply for the program. I interviewed and was selected as one of the 66 finalists. After the second round of interviews I received word that I was not one of the thirty-three. I was heartbroken, but determined to try again! A year later I decided to reapply because I did not want to give up on my dream of being a princess. After the second interview I received the email with the subject line “you are a princess.” I was elated!

The Princess Program exceeded every expectation I had. I enjoyed every experience as a princess, from visiting many schools around the state to promote the 500 Festival events, working the water station at the mini-marathon and one of my favorites; having fun with students during Kids Day at the track. I have met many wonderful people during this life-changing journey. I’m so thankful to have had the opportunity to serve with 32 incredible young women; they are smart, accomplished, beautiful, and loads of fun! 

I also have to recognize and applaud the behind the scenes dedicated promoters, organizers, and directors who make the 500 Festival Program a reality. They are the heart and soul of this amazing experience.
One event that stands out for me personally was the morning of the Breakfast at the Brickyard when I was crowned the 2014 Indianapolis 500 Festival Queen by Arie Luyendyk, JR. It was a moment I will never forget.
Seven months later, as I write this, we prepare for the 2015 33 princesses. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to serve as a 500 Festival Princess and Queen. Honestly, what are you waiting for? Apply for the 500 Festival Princess Program today! It could just change your life!

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Friday, December 5, 2014

Princess Lindsay Lausten...why I applied to be a Princess!

While watching Legally Blonde this past weekend (one of my all time favorite movies) I began thinking about Elle Woods and her journey throughout the movie. I know you might be thinking “this movie has nothing to do with the Princess Program…” but in my experience, it has everything to do with it.

My favorite scene from the movie is near the end, when she is questioning the witness and gets her to confess to the crime. I think that this scene transforms her from a timid, unsure law student to a confident and assertive lawyer. She has finally found her passion and her purpose.  

I find myself comparing my journey during my senior year of college to the journey that Elle takes during the movie. She starts out in her comfort zone, surrounding herself with people she knows and activities that she knows she is good at. I don’t blame Elle, comfort zones are easy to stay in. They are safe…and comfortable, so why would anyone want to leave them? I applied for the Princess Program during my senior year  at Purdue University. I was in my comfort zone- I knew the campus and I knew the people. But I wanted more. I wanted to push myself to the next level and step out of the comfort zone I had created for myself. What better way to do this than apply for one of the most prestigious programs for college women in Indiana: The 500 Festival Princess Program. 

I had been thinking about applying for the Princess Program for a while, but I was like Elle- I did not have the confidence in myself to think that I could actually become a 500 Festival Princess. But then I realized that if I did not apply, someone else with more confidence would and they would get the opportunity of a lifetime. I needed to step up to the plate and apply for something that intimidated me- because if not now, when?

Stepping out of my comfort zone certainly paid off. The Princess Program helped me gain an experience that I will truly never forget. I met women who were driven, motivated and wanted to make the most of their college experiences. I formed a special pride in my city and state that I will cherish forever. I was able to be a part of the greatest spectacle in racing and educate my fellow Hoosiers about how important it is to Indiana’s rich history and tradition.

I am 100% certain that the 500 Festival Princess Program helped me transform into a woman who has found her purpose and passion. Elle Woods would be proud. I have a new confidence in myself that I know is a direct result of the Princess Program. I want everyone to have the opportunity to experience this transformation. Do something that takes you out of your safe zone and apply! You certainly won’t regret it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

connecting with our community.

Ya'll know that the Princess Program is an experience of a lifetime! (and if you don't, then read this blog from top to bottom).

But there's so much more. Did you know that we pair each of our Princesses up with a member of the 500 Festival Board of Directors? These pairings are methodical and intentional--we try to match up the Princess's interests and college majors with industry sectors and careers of our Board Members. And our Board of Directors are the movers and shakers of the Indianapolis community. 

There are so many networking opportunities for the Princesses! Not only  with the Board, but also with our community leaders! 

So what are you waiting for? Why not apply to be a Princess? 

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Thursday, November 27, 2014

appreciating those around you.

I was reminded today that I'm never at a loss for words. This is probably the truest statement ever. I'm not. 

But right now....on this day....I'm not really sure how to express my gratitude for all of the love and support the Princess Program has gotten over the past year. Last year, I had a Thanksgiving post. And while I typically don't recycle my blog posts from year to year, I think I have to. It says everything I want to say.

But before I do....again....from the bottom of my blonde little heart...thank you to everyone who has contributed to make the Princess Program what it is. For those Princesses who came before us, and for those who will come after us...we appreciate you!!
It's Thanksgiving week! And I'm always super reflective during this time of year ( most of America).

With that being said, the Princess Program would not be what it is today without our amazing alumnae, volunteers, parents and of course...the Princesses. Thank you for making 2014 one of our best years ever. I am always floored by the amount of "hey Kelby, let me know what I can do to help" or "You need binders stuffed? Just tell me when and I'm there." It warms my heart to know that so many people love the Princess Program as much as I do and are willing to spend countless hours just helping me out.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you for your emails and your words of encouragement.

Thank you for offering to help (even when I don't take you up on it).

Thank you to all my friends that I have shamelessly begged to help with the Princess Program--a program that they have no direct ties too, but find themselves involved simply because they are my friends...SUCKAS!!

Thank you for your endless support.

Here's to 2015. I'm not even sure it can be better than last year....but I'm going to try.

You guys are the best. Again. Thank you.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Princess Brooke Sahm....why I applied to be a Princess!

          I applied for the 500 Festival Princess Program for many reasons; however, it was my affiliation with the 500 Festival that drove my desire to be a Princess.  Looking back to when I was a little girl, I remember attending the 500 Festival Parade every single year.  I always had a front row ticket in all of the parade action because my mother actually works for the company that designs and builds the floats.  Year after year, I remember seeing the princesses in their ball gowns.  They always looked like they were having so much fun up on the float, waving to everyone in attendance.  It wasn’t until 3 years ago when I had the opportunity to work for Expo Design, in building the parade floats that I started to seriously think about applying for the Princess Program.   I was never really the girly type, I grew up with mostly boys; however, after talking to a couple of girls I knew who participated in the Program and hearing their personal stories, I knew I wanted to apply.  They shared with me the many friendships that they made in the program, the many opportunities they had to get out and connect with the community, and ultimately the personal growth and confidence boost that they gained from being a part of the Princess Program.  After 3 years of being behind the scenes of building the floats, actually driving a float in the parade, running the mini marathon, and attending the Indianapolis 500, I knew it was time to apply.  Without question, I filled out my application and turned it in as soon as I could. 

          I still remember what I was doing when I received my email of congratulations from the 500 Festival.  I think I even shed a few tears of happiness I was so excited to be given this opportunity to represent my school, my city of Indianapolis, and the 500 Festival in such a big way.  My time as a 500 Festival Princess is something I will never forget.  The friendships and connections that I made, the personal growth and confidence that I built, the outreaches I participated in, and the feeling of being on cloud 9.  It was all just unforgettable.  I am so glad that I had the opportunity to participate in the 500 Festival Princess Program, it is something I will always take with me, and I truly believe…once a princess, always a princess. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Princess Elizabeth Lecher....why I applied to be a Princess!

Sure, I could talk for hours and hours about why you should apply to be a Princess. But why not hear it from the girls themselves? So we will be featuring some of the 2014 500 Festival Princesses over the next few weeks, and you will get the opportunity to hear from them directly about why they decided to apply to be a Princess!

First up, the darling Elizabeth Lecher! Elizabeth recently graduated from Purdue University and is now working for Archer Daniels Midland. She's fantastic and generous and kind-hearted and stunning and just amazing!

Why I applied to be a Princess!

The month of May in Indiana is electrifying and jam packed with events, starting out with the 500 Festival Mini Marathon and ending with the greatest racing spectacle in the world.  What an honor to be able to represent the state of Indiana as one of the 500 Festival Princesses.  But what does it take to be able to hold such a title and carry that much responsibility?  That was the question I found myself facing when I sat down to fill out the application to be one of the 33 500 Festival Princesses. 

I need to provide some background information that will help in understanding why I struggled to decide if I had what it takes to be a 500 Festival Princess.  You see, all of my life I have been what I like to call “fluffy”.  Before I go any further I want to make it clear that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with being “fluffy”.  I have never let my size keep me from participating in activities and neither should anyone else.  I was in the top 10 of my class, President of the FFA, 10 year 4-H member, Drum Major, Drama Club member, and Varsity Letterman in High School.  While at Purdue I rode on the Western Equestrian Team showing horses, was an Ambassador for the College of Agriculture, worked in our Center for Career Opportunities helping students prepare for career fairs and finding internships, AND I was Vice President of Standards for Alpha Omicron Pi.  There was nothing I wanted to do that I didn’t participate in.  They sky was truly the limit. 

Looking at today’s society however; you can understand why I may have questioned if I had what it takes to be a princess.  There is so much pressure on women to maintain a “perfect image”.  What I quickly learned is there is no such thing as a “perfect image”.  Everyone is unique.  Everyone is beautiful in their own way.  What was holding me back in showing the world smart, beautiful, talented, and yes “fluffy” women can be princesses and do a phenomenal job representing their home town and state?  NOTHING! Nothing should have been holding me back in applying.  This was my chance to show young girls that your size DOES NOT MATTER.  If you set your mind to something, you can achieve it. Love who you are and blast out of your comfort zone and show the world how truly awesome you can be.  It’s your ambition, values, and drive in life that determine what you can and cannot do.  Talented, driven, intelligent, values based women are exactly the type of women wanted to serve as ambassadors for the 500 Festival.  Being driven off those ideas, my journey as a 500 Festival Princess began.  I filled out the application, went through the interview rounds, and before I knew it I was wearing a tiara and sash that would accompany me during an unforgettable experience of a lifetime.  

Serving as a 500 Festival Princess allowed me to partake in numerous outreach activities.  Princess for a Day events, carnivals, schools, after school clubs, parades… the list goes on and on.  I was able to experience the 500 Festival and the Indianapolis 500 in a once in a lifetime kind of way.  And to top it all off, I was able to make 32 friends for a lifetime.  We will always share a bond being in the same Princess Class.  Am I glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and applied to be a 500 Festival Princess? Without a single doubt.            

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

inspiring the next generation.

Remember that one time when you had a dream that you were an actual Princess? That you had a tiara or crown on your head? That you ruled over a kingdom and had the power to help those who need help? The power to get up in front of the people of your kingdom and lead the charge? To be so encouraging that little girls wanted to come up and meet you? Shake your hand? Give you a hug?

For most people, that was probably several years ago after watching Tangled or something.
(for me, it was last night after watching Tangled!)

But that's EXACTLY what our Princesses get to do! They get to be those inspirational role models every day! They get to work with the younger generation--teach them. Inspire them. Challenge them.

That's what this program is all about.

Empowering Women.
Power. Purpose. Passion.

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