Friday, December 13, 2013

happy birthday CoCo.

there are just some people who come into your life...and they never leave.
and that's exactly how you want it.

one such person in my life is the darling Co Bartel. ya'll know her. she's a legend in our Princess world. and we all love her. why? because she's fabulous. and wonderful. and gorgeous. and amazing. and giving. and loving. 

and pretty much one of my most favorite people.
in the world.

I literally wouldn't be where I am today without Co's influence in my life. I always say that the Princess Program changed my life...but in reality, it was Co who changed it.

she saw something in this blonde hair girl from Purdue and got her claws in me and just never let go.

and I will forever be grateful for that. 

her family has become my family.
she is a part of my family.
(we joked a few weeks ago that whoever I marry has to meet my parents and get the approval....and then they have to meet Scott and Co and get their approval. that's just the way it is.)

she has brought fabulous people in my my sweet Misty. and when the trio is together, there is no shortage of laughter, talks, wine and more laughter.

my favorite Co story...and she'll kill me for telling this, but I have to.
2011. the IPL 500 Festival parade (shortly after this picture was taken).
Misty, Co and I were walking behind the float in the parade (typical). after we cleared the TV zone, the float sped up and just took off, leaving the three of us to scramble and try to catch up to it. the float behind us was like 100 yards behind us, so it was literally just the three of us cruising down Pennsylvania. We're still in the middle of Penn, and the Princess float has already turned onto Washington street. So the three of us are just walking...and all of sudden, Misty and I look over to see Co face first on the ground. There was LITERALLY a collective gasp from the audience as Co face-planted on the concrete. All Misty and I could do was laugh (good friends, huh?). Co got up, brushed off her pants and looked at us and said "wait, did that just happen?" We seriously could not stop laughing for the rest of the parade.

wait...this story is not over...

we hurried to get off of Pennsylvania, but by the time we turned onto Washington Street, the Princess float had already turned up Meridian. the float/group that was behind us is still like 100 yards away. So we are absolutely the only three people walking in the parade for the block between Penn and Meridian. all of the sudden, the crowd starts cheering for us and laughing with us--so the three of us just start waving! It was hilarious. By the time we caught back up with the Princess float, the girls were asking why everyone was cheering. No big deal was just for the three of us!

I could go on and on and on about how wonderful Co is...
how much she means to me...
how grateful I am for her friendship.... 
how much I love her support and love for the me and the Princess Program...

 but we would be here for days. 
and I ain't got time for that. :)

bottom life is super full and so much better for knowing this wonderful lady. 

happy birthday my sweet Co. enjoy your day.

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

tbt to 2003.

man, I love me some Throw Back Thursday....or some #tbt, if you will.

I love getting on Instagram and checking out ridiculous photos of my friends from their childhood.

so in honor of that, I found this picture from the 2003 Princess Class (woot.woot.) and decided to share it with you.

confession....when I say I "found" this picture, I really mean that it is in a frame on my desk at work. I like to remember where I came from, so I know where I'm going.

Class of 2003. has it really been 10 years? yikes. if only we knew then what we know now.

and if only I didn't flip my hair out. but that's another wish.

and if I remember correctly, this picture was taken after we gave our speeches (for Queen) at a breakfast at the Westin. man, how times have changed.

also, please notice the rad silk handkerchiefs we are rocking out of our pockets.
styling and profiling. 

click on the picture to make it bigger. because you want to see it in all of its 2003 glory.
back row: Nichole, Colleen, Lyndsey, Casey, Jennilee, Brandy, Holly, Megan, Kristen, Ambra, Lindsay
middle row: Faith, Katie, Aja, Kate, Christin, Mandy, Megan, Mari, Stephanie, Kristen, Amanda, Cara, Stephanie, Gwyn
front row: Ariel, Ashli, Krista, Betsy, Carolyn, Kelby, Kaleena, Crystal

holy crap, I think I got all those names right. If not, I'm so sorry!

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

u la la.

In the hustle and the bustle of preparing for yet another class of Princesses, sometimes I forget the bigger picture. Maybe not forget, but just chose to ignore it.

And then I'm reminded.

And today it was like a slap in the face.

Meet Becca Duggan. One of our 2013 Miss Congenialities. Future Disney Princess. Amazing blonde. One of the best people I've ever met.

Do you want to know what it's like to be a Princess? Read this article. Becca sums it up perfectly.

And she's stunningly gorgeous too.

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

i am thankful for you.

tis the week of Thanksgiving...and all through the house....

but really. it is Thanksgiving week. and I'm always super reflective during this time ( most of America). 

with that being said, the Princess Program would not be what it is today without our amazing alumnae, volunteers, parents and of course...the Princesses. thank you for making 2013 one of our best years ever. I am always floored at the amount of "hey Kelby, let me know what I can do to help" or "you need binders stuffed? just tell me when and I'm there". it warms my heart to know that so many people love the Princess Program as much as I do and are willing to spend countless hours just helping me out.

thank you from the bottom of my heart. 
thank you for your emails and your words of encouragement.

thank you for offering to help (even when I don't take you up on it).

thank you to all my friends that I have shamelessly begged to help with the Princess Program (a program that they have no direct ties too, but find themselves involved simply because they are my friends....suckas!)

thank you for your endless support.

here's to 2014. I'm not even sure it can be better than last year, but I'm going to try. 

you guys are the best. again. thank you.

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calling all Princess alumnae!

are you a past 500 Festival Princess?? 

if so, we would love to hear from you! I am working on updating our alumnae database...this project is ongoing and an intense labor of love! but I need some information from you! fill out this form and please include an email address!

look for some fun Princess Alumnae events to come your way next year!

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Friday, November 22, 2013

santa! i know him! (november 16)

yeah yeah's not even Thanksgiving yet. but I'm definitely in the Christmas spirit and I'm perfectly okay with that.

don't judge me.

but I'm definitely not the only one. this past Saturday, a couple of our princesses were at Clay Terrace mall in Carmel to welcome Santa!

but let's be real....this time Santa traded his reindeer in for a racecar. and I see nothing wrong with that.

in fact, I'm fairly certain Santa should always cruise from the north pole in a racecar. especially one that is driven by Indy's own Ed Carpenter! 

the big man in red! 
(hmmm Santa...your beard needs adjusting....just saying)

we all know that winners drink milk...but obviously so does Santa. a big thanks to the American Dairy Association for supplying Santa with some milk after his ride.

 princess Becca Duggan and princess Lauren Karmire with Santa and Ed.


princess love.
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500 festival corporate member event (november 12)

what do you get when you mix some Princesses with a team owner and a racecar driver? 

ok nothing too crazy...just one of the 500 festival corporate member events! we had a great time at Sarah Fisher Hartman racing headquarters on Main Street in Speedway. seriously, that place is amazing and brand-spanking-new. 

we had four of the 2013 Princesses with us that evening, greeting and mingling with guests. look how pretty they are!
princess lauren hines, princess codie myers, princess becca duggan and princess allie beckman

our hostess with the mostest for the evening...Sarah Fisher herself.

and of course, the driver for SFH racing...Mr. Josef Newgarden. this guy cracks me up.

we (the 500 festival) were doing a contest on facebook and twitter to promote the new wave start for the Mini-Marathon. so of course, we had to get Josef to wave for us! (plus he totally loved being surrounded by Becca and Codie).

love this little nuggets. I can't believe we are already gearing up for 2014. I'm going to miss my 2013 princesses. not gonna lie...the new class has big shoes to fill. #33strong

want to know more about our Corporate Member program? click here

princess love.
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bloggity blog blog blog

good morning fellow P's (and wanna be P's...and anyone else who may or may not be reading this)! 

so I've created a blog. a bloggity blog blog blog. a princess blog, if you will.

and forgive me because I think it's kind of fun to not capitalize every sentence and whatnot.

so here you go. this will be your one-stop-shop to all things Princess related. plus I think it will be a super fun way to keep everyone up to date with what the Princesses are doing, where we've been and where we're going.

plus, I kind of like blogs and think they are super fun.

here you go. enjoy it. :)